Trawl Floats

A wide variety of deep sea side- and center-hole Panther Plast floats are available. Manufactured in Denmark, they are used throughout the world from the Polar seas of the south to the Arctic seas of the north.

Float Models in Stock:

508 Float 551 Float Our most popular trawl floats. They both are 8" in diameter with center holes. The 508 is a heavy duty trawl float with a max. working depth of 1200 meters, while the 551 is a light duty trawl float with a max. working depth of 400 meters.
364 Float 357 Float Small, inshore trawl floats with side holes. The 364 is 5" in diameter, while the 357 is 6" in diameter. Max. working depths of 400 meters.
411 Float Our most popular 11" diameter float. It is a medium duty, center hole float with a max. working depth of 500 meters.
629 Float A heavy duty deep sea trawl float with "lug" attachments. It has a max. working depth of 1800 meters.
714 Float At 14" in diameter our largest center hole float with a working depth of 800 meters.


Model No. 508 551 364 357 411 629 714
Diameter " 8 8 5 6 11 9 14
mm 200 200 125 160 280 230 360
Size ltr 4 4 1 2 11 6.5 25
Weight lbs 3.2 1.7 0.5 0.9 5.8 5.1 15.6
g 1470 785 230 390 2620 2310 7145
Working depth max fathoms 656 219 219 219 274 985 439
mtr 1200 400 400 400 500 1800 800
Bouyancy lbs 5.5 7.1 1.9 3.5 18.5 8.8 38.7
g 2500 3230 840 1575 8400 4000 17600
Impact strength kgm 45 20 5 17 50 40 >50
Hole size mm 21 21 12 17 21 21 22
Lacing holes center center side side center lug center

* Others available by special order


© Trawlworks, Inc.

Trawl floats. High impact floats for commercial fishing and research applications. Panther Plast trawl floats are available in all sizes, bouyancies, and working depths. Commercial fishing and research trawl floats. Whether commercial fishing, research, or recreational fishing, Panther Plast trawl floats are available for all applications.